Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that simplifies the deployment and management of applications. It allows you to define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes applications with ease. Helm uses a packaging format called charts, which are collections of pre-configured Kubernetes resource

Base concepts:

  • Charts: Charts are packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources. They contain templates, values, and metadata required to deploy an application.
  • Values: Helm uses values to parameterize chart configurations. Values are specified in a values.yaml file and can be overridden during installation.
  • Templates: Helm charts use Go templating to generate Kubernetes manifest files dynamically.
  • Create a chart: Use the helm create command to generate a basic chart structure. This includes directories for charts, templates, and values create mychart
**Create a Chart:
Use the helm create command to generate a basic chart structure. This includes directories for charts, templates, and values.

helm create mychart

**Customize the Chart:
Modify the chart files according to your application's requirements, especially the values.yaml file to set default configurations.

** Install a Chart:
Install a Helm chart onto your Kubernetes cluster using the helm install command.
helm install my-release ./mychart

Upgrade a Release:
Update your application by modifying the chart or values and then using the helm upgrade command.
helm upgrade my-release ./mychart
**Rollback a Release:
If an upgrade causes issues, you can roll back to a previous release version using the helm rollback command.
helm rollback my-release 1
**Search and Use Helm Charts:
Helm Hub is a public repository for Helm charts. You can search for existing charts and use them directly in your deployments.

helm search hub <chart-name>
helm installInstall a chart onto your Kubernetes cluster.helm install my-release stable/mysql
helm upgradeUpgrade a deployed release to a new version of a chart.helm upgrade my-release stable/mysql
helm rollbackRoll back a release to a previous revision.helm rollback my-release 1
helm uninstallUninstall a deployed release from your Kubernetes cluster.helm uninstall my-release
helm listList releases deployed on the cluster.helm list
helm showShow information about a chart.helm show stable/mysql
helm repo addAdd a new Helm chart repository.helm repo add my-repo https://charts.example.com
helm repo updateUpdate the local repository index.helm repo update
helm repo removeRemove a Helm chart repository.helm repo remove my-repo
helm repo listList all added Helm chart repositories.helm repo list
helm packagePackage a chart directory into a chart archive file (.tgz).helm package my-chart/
helm lintCheck a chart for errors.helm lint my-chart/
helm templateRender chart templates locally.helm template my-chart/
helm pullDownload a chart to your local machine.helm pull stable/mysql
completionGenerate autocompletion scripts for the specified shell.helm completion bash
createCreate a new chart with the given name.helm create mychart
dependencyManage a chart's dependencies.helm dependency update mychart/
envHelm client environment information.helm env
getDownload extended information of a named release.helm get values my-release
helpHelp about any command.helm help install
historyFetch release history.helm history my-release
installInstall a chart.helm install my-release stable/mysql
lintExamine a chart for possible issues.helm lint mychart/
listList releases.helm list
packagePackage a chart directory into a chart archive.helm package mychart/
pluginInstall, list, or uninstall Helm plugins.helm plugin list
pullDownload a chart from a repository and unpack it locally.helm pull stable/mysql
pushPush a chart to remote.helm push mychart/ myrepo/
registryLogin to or logout from a registry.helm registry login myregistry.com
repoAdd, list, remove, update, and index chart repositories.helm repo add myrepo https://charts.example.com
rollbackRoll back a release to a previous revision.helm rollback my-release 1
searchSearch for a keyword in charts.helm search repo keyword
showShow information of a chart.helm show all stable/mysql
statusDisplay the status of the named release.helm status my-release
templateLocally render templates.helm template my-release stable/mysql
testRun tests for a release.helm test my-release
uninstallUninstall a release.helm uninstall my-release
upgradeUpgrade a release.helm upgrade my-release stable/mysql
verifyVerify that a chart at the given path is valid.helm verify mychart-0.1.0.tgz
Pull a chart and save it with a specific name and version, extracting it into a directoryhelm pull nginx-ingress --version 1.2.3 --untar --untardir ./charts/nginx-ingress
Pull a chart and save it without extracting the archivehelm pull redis --version 7.2.1 --untar=false
Pull a chart from a specific repository using a custom configuration file and save ithelm --kubeconfig=/path/to/kubeconfig.yaml --repository-config=/path/to/repo.yaml pull mariadb --untar
Pull a private chart from a repository using credentialshelm pull private-chart --repo https://example.com/charts --username myuser --password mypassword